Reading List


Peak – Anders Ericsson & Robert Pool

The Art of Learning – Josh Waitzkin
By no means the best book you will read on learning theory and performance but there are some very strong concepts presented in a accessible manner.

The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer – Steven Kotler

Black Box Thinking – Matthew Syed

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience – Mihaly Csikszentmihaliyi
Bear with the cheesy music, it has a lot of good information in there. The concept of ‘Flow State’, which dominates all the elite performance literature was proposed by Csikszentmihaliyi.

Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters – Steven Pinker


Karl Popper – The Myth of the Framework
Nassim Taleb – Incerto Series
Douglas Hofstadter – I am a Strange Loop
Farnam Street – The Great Mental Models VOLS 1-3
Epictetus – Discourses and Selected Writings
Marcus Aurelius – Meditations


DPS Breakdowns
Superb source of information for wrestling.

Absolute MMA St Kilda
Loads of Lachlan Giles’ stuff.

The Merge
Wrestling and BJJ instructional content


The Talent Equation
A little bit academic but up-to-date discussion on learning and skill acquisition in sport.