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Grappling Systems is an online platform, providing learning materials for grappling, jiu jitsu, wrestling, nogi, or whatever you want to referred to beating people up on the ground as.

The primary format is through instructional video, which is efficiently categorised to make them much easier to follow. There are multiple flow charts and other graphical representations that support the videos, which help provide a much more accessible framework for learning.

The site was created and is run by Ed Ingamells, 1st degree Brazilian jiu Jitsu Black Belt under Nicholas Brooks, and former instructor at Mill Hill HQ. He is currently the only unsponsored competitor above white belt in Europe, and has had more than 200 competitive grappling matches in a variety of rulesets, with 123 wins via submission!

His academic background includes a BSc in Psychology, MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience (*Publication for those interested), and MRes in Psychology. He also pursued further study into a PhD, focusing on the neuropsychological underpinnings of memory and learning, in particular those affected in neurodegenerative memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. This has hugely influenced the way he developed his grappling skill set and how he provides instruction.

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